Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homepage optimization ?

Producing a favorable impression and evoking strong visitor trust within the first few seconds leads to more clickthroughs, which leads to more sales, which leads to better SEO ranking.
Homepage optimization, and not just for search, but for your visitors can be the foundation to becoming an online destination of choice. Most people don’t realize that the ultimate common purpose of a website’s home page is to gain interest and establish credibility.
The simplicity of the Google page meant that the visitor quickly knows where to type their search query... there is no "hunting" involved, no distracting ads, no abundance of extra links that confuse the visitor. The homepage is arguably still the most important page on your website.  Chances are this is the page that users will come to based on their search queries (either branded or non-branded) depending on how well your site is optimized.
Since there is value in using Promoted to front page even if you are not using the default node path, it does not make sense to just remove that setting from your nodes to make sure nothing appears in $content. It still performs a query to, at best, return no rows.


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